Using Affirmations

Using Affirmations

Using Affirmations :For Watching your thoughts and building positive thinking.

In this article, we'll explore how you can use affirmations to drive positive change in your career and your life in general.


"I will be unable to do this job; I'm just not smart enough."

"They will never hire me; I'm not good enough."

"I'll never find a boyfriend / girlfriend; I'm too ugly."

"Why does everyone else get a boyfriend when I don't.

"Why does my boss want me to present at the presentation? I'm terrible at public speaking"

Many people have negative thoughts throughout the day unknowingly. Research has likewise demonstrated that for most individuals 80% of those thoughts are negative. 

such thoughts are rarely consciously known and can be damaging.

And Do remember that 80% figure of damaging thoughts? It gets worse. Whatever you're thinking about, 90% gets carried forward to the next day’s 51,000 thoughts.  

This is why it is so important to  “affirm”  

The problem with negative thoughts is they can become self-fulfilling prophecies.. We talk ourselves into believing we're not good enough. And, as a result these thoughts slowly drag down our personal lives, our relationships, and our careers.

Affirmations are our way to “change the channel” on those negative 

But, if we deliberately do the opposite and use positive thoughts about ourselves, the effect can be powerful but far more helpful. You will be able to watch your thought on a daily basis and introspect the negative thoughts you were thinking and change it with the positive or the neutral ones.


Practicing affirmation 

 For Example: you want to loose weight, your affirmation might say something like: I am 100% committed to going to the gym 4-5 days a week and running on the treadmill for a minimum of a 15 min.

For a sales person it should sound like: I am committed to make 20 client calls every day. The more specific your actions are the better, 

Include frequency(how often), quantity(how many) and also the exact time of the day you will begin the activity and end the activity.

You may get frustrated with affirmations you are not able to achieve. so be okay with that and be easy on yourself. The major purpose of affirmation is to get you aware of your thoughts through out the day.

A final thing to consider

Reading this article -or any book is an affirmation to yourself, anything you read influences your thoughts. when you consistently read positive self-improvement books and articles, you are programming your mind with the thoughts and beliefs that will support you in creating success

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Great affirmations

Anand ganesh

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